In compliance with New Jersey Statute N.J.S.A. 18A:17-41.4, Beloved has created a multi-disciplinary behavioral threat assessment team. The purpose of a behavioral threat assessment team is to provide school teachers, administrators, and other staff with assistance in identifying students with behaviors of concern, assessing those students' risk for engaging in violence or other harmful activities, and delivering intervention strategies to manage the risk of harm for students who pose a potential safety risk. Indeed, the behavioral threat assessment team’s purpose is to ensure a safe and secure school environment that enhances the learning experience for all members of the school community.
This process is not designed for harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) reports. That is covered in our comprehensive approach specifically related to possible HIB matters. To report an HIB incident, please click here.
If you are aware of or have information regarding violent behaviors or threats, please use the link in the left sidebar to report them. Reports may be made anonymously, but they should include as much detailed information as possible.
Please note: This form is being submitted electronically and there may be some unavoidable delay in the form being read. If you or a student is in imminent danger, please call 911.